Wednesday, April 01, 2009

What's Important to You?

The theme of this blog is how to successfully navigate the ups and downs of life transitions with courage, enthusiasm and intention.

Although it is very fun for me to share my thoughts and ideas through posts, I want the material of this blog to be relevant and useful to you, the reader. So, I would love to hear from you about what you are dealing with and what kinds of information and resources would be helpful for you to keep from getting stuck or sidetracked in your life.

Please take a minute and send me your ideas, thoughts and comments on the following questions. To help motivate you, the first 15 people who answer this questionnaire will be entered into a drawing for one month of free coaching with me. There will be 2 winners and one of them could be you! The winners will be contacted by April 10th.

If you would like to be entered into the drawing for a month of free coaching, please include your e-mail address with your comments. I will respect the privacy of your e-mail address, but if you want to ensure that crawlers don’t get a hold of it you can either leave spaces between the words in the address or use “at” instead of @.

Even if you don’t want coaching, please send me your thoughts. The more we share the more we all benefit.

I look forward to hearing from as many readers as possible and I will definitely share your thoughts in a forthcoming post. Thanks for your help with this.

1. What areas of your life are not working as well as you would like? Where are you feeling stuck? (job, relationships, family, financial, health, spiritual, etc.)

2. What kinds of information and resources would be the most useful to you?

3. What kinds of coaching services would you participate in, assuming the cost was reasonable? (Individual coaching, tele-classes, e-mail classes, monthly coaching calls on different subjects, other?)

4. Are there specific topics or areas of special interest that you would like to see me address in this blog?

5. Any other ideas or feedback?

Thanks again. Your feedback greatly appreciated!


ML, I'm a subscriber and a fan, love the idea said...

Areas of my life that aren't quite working: health, financial, career,dating.

Information and resouses most useful to me: improving health, specific focus to womens health, diet and nutrition, dealing with loss, free activities for families who cannot otherwise afford recreational activities, sports, music lessons, etc., specific resources for single parent families.

Anonymous said...

Love the new forum !

#1 - Figuring out who I am and what I want. Every after years of personal development I'm still unclear :(
#2 - Dealing with a lot of loss lately.
#3 - Figuring our my next career.
#4 - Resources and tools to support sustainable change.

Janice said...

I have always enjoyed that you always talk about what is important to me. Right now I am at a point I never knew would be so hard. I have been with both of my parents when they passed away and just recently I have given up who I was to be with my mother and was with her when she passed away. I will never regret that opportunity but I feel like I am in a world all alone and don't know what to do now. At my age, 55, when I thought life would be more settled it is scaring me. How do you face a world when everything you thought life would be is gone?