Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Made You Smile Today?

What is something good that happened to you today? What made you smile? Do you have to stop and think a little before answering that question? If it takes you some time to come up with something good to report, you are not alone. For most of us it is much easier to complain about the person who cut in front of us in the coffee line than it is to recognize all the wonderful things we experience everyday.

We are fast to judge and slow to enjoy. When life is flowing smoothly we often don’t notice it. It is only when we hit a bump or run up against an obstacle that we become conscious of where we are and what we are doing. And at that point our focus is only on what is wrong in that moment.

What would happen if we were more conscious in our life? What if we paid as much attention to the beautiful and fun things as we do to the little annoyances? What if our conversations focused on the colors of the sunset, the flowers in the garden, the smile on the face of the store clerk or the amazing achievements of our children? Wouldn’t that create a very different and positive kind of energy both in us and in the world?

I invite you to join me for a week of staying conscious and noticing the wonder in the world. There is so much joy and beauty out there just waiting to be noticed. Sometimes it’s small, like a smile from a stranger or someone opening a door for you and sometimes it’s bigger like your child’s piano recital or finishing your first 10K race.

Be aware of your surroundings and notice what you observe. When you find yourself feeling good or when you find a smile on your face, take a moment and enjoy it. These are the times that truly matter in life; and when we take the time to appreciate them, we all smile a whole lot more – and that's an energy that could change the world.

Most of the shadows in this life are caused by our standing in our own shadow. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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