Thursday, June 11, 2009

Procrastination or Perfection: Two Sides of the Same Coin

When it comes to completing tasks, people often fall into one of two camps: Camp Procrastination or Camp Perfection. If you are a member of Camp Procrastination, then your modus operandi is to sabotage your progress by finding ways to distract yourself from starting whatever it is you have to do. Common methods of distraction are reading your e-mail, returning phone calls, Tweeting, updating Facebook or keeping yourself busy by doing less important tasks. Whatever the distractions may be, they all serve their same purpose which is to keep you from doing the project.

On the other hand, if you are a member of Camp Perfection you approach the issue from a different angle but with somewhat the same results. Being a perfectionist you most likely jump right into the project and give it your all; but the problem is that you are not sure when “your all” is good enough. You keep working and revising the project because you are striving for perfection. You tweak it here and edit it there. You keep finding ways to improve it, often times spending way more time on the task than is actually needed.

Which camp do you fall into? Do you have trouble getting started or do you have trouble completing a task to your satisfaction? Begin to notice what you do to sabotage your success. Becoming aware of our patterns of behavior is the best way to start dismantling the ones that no longer work for us.

The last time you failed, did you stop trying because you failed – or did you fail because you stopped trying?

1 comment:

Jonas said...

I believe that this does not necessarily apply only to projects. I beleive that people with a fear of success or a fear of intimacy can sabotage their chances at enjoying an intimate relationship by doing everything but responding appropriately to the love they are getting by always rushing around and in the process withering the relationship or chance for success.