Thursday, May 21, 2009

Make Someone's Day

In 1982, according to popular legend, writer and peace activist Anne Herbert wrote the suggestion to, “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” on a place mat in a Sausalito, California restaurant. To honor this 27th anniversary of Herbert’s idea, I invite you to engage in one act of random kindness today.

Giving without expecting anything in return has many rewards. Physically, doing acts of kindness increases our levels of serotonin, a chemical which makes us feel light, happy and at ease. Acts of kindness also strengthen our immune system, increase our energy level and enhance our sense of connection. In other words, when we do something nice for someone else, it is scientifically proven that we feel better. But the really cool thing about practicing acts of kindness is that not only do we feel good, the recipient also feels good, and so does anyone who is witnessing the act.

So, do something kind today. Pay for a person’s order behind you. Open the door for someone and say hi as they go through. Leave a larger tip for the wait staff. Help someone carry groceries to their car. There are thousands of things we can do to bring joy and a smile to a stranger. What would make you smile?

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
Dalai Lama

1 comment:

Sherry Belul said...

Yesterday when I went to buy some juice at a cafe, the man working behind the counter was so cheerful and had this big smile. It made my day. I was meeting a friend and it just so happened she had also stopped by that cafe on the way to our meeting. She said, "There was this really cheerful man at the cafe and just seeing him made me so happy." I keep thinking about how that man is changing the world with his smile. :-)